Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My Gatewood Galbraith Story

RIP Gatewood.

The Cardinal Paper... Anti-Student?

The Articles That U of L's "Student" Cardinal Censored, and More:

What Louisville Students Don't Know: The Cardinal Censored Article #1: "Last Tuesday, on September 20, 2011, U of L’s SGA met up in Room 275 in the Law School Building. During Senator Skylar Graudick’s

Occupy Louisville 2012 Update

It's Wednesday, January 25, 2012, Day #115 of the Occupy Louisville, whose in Founder's Square,
still today. Jaison Ashley Gardner, a U of L Alumni, and the man who secured the permit for Occupy Louisville, says that Occupy Louisville is about "a whole lot more than corporate greed”, including the death penalty and equal rights for homosexual partnerships, according to an article by Joseph Lord of the Courier-Journal. Rush Cosgrove...

The Cardinal Critique, Jan. 17, 2012

Elijah McKenzie. Great article. Another ad from the Province; their solid hold on the front page banner ad, and another quarter page ad. College Book Warehouse; Sun Tan city; and CSL Plasma; for poor college students to donate their blood in order to get a quick $50. Unless you skinny. Then you get $35.

Pharoah Ramsey is getting some bonuses, just like AIG and Bank of Amerika did when Joe Nobody taxpayer bailed them out under George W. Bush's watch. Plus these bonuses...

Christmas Rappin' by Tsunami

U of L SGA Meeting, November 15, 2011

U of L Student Walkout